Helluva Bottom Carter

It’s indicates one or a combination of three things:

He might be a moron, but he sure as hell picked some excellent projects. And he’s been relevant for 25+ years - he’s not doing as many BIG movies, but he’s still doing great films (IMHO, of course). Edge of Tomorrow was surprisingly good but that might just be my Emily Blunt crush talking.


You know how Mugatu and his shadowy kabal of fashion designers recruit Derek to be their agent of evil in Zoolander because Derek’s natural stupidity and immaturity (which is only made worse by the fact that his chosen industry caters to his ego) renders him the perfect puppet? That’s what I feel Tom Cruise is like

And then eat homemade cookies with Tom Cruise? I’m in.

Curiously this kind of makes me like Cruise a bit.

Will explain. :) Skrike (rhymes with strike) means sobbing hysterical crying, it means scream in Norwegian too. Lots of our dialect words are Scandinavian and specific to Norther England because Vikings. Mither (said like “my there”) means being pestered in an annoying fashion. Being mard or a mardy bum means being

Ha. Never heard it myself! I am from Skem originally (so half Scouse wooly back and from the poorest of poors as you would know lol) and I use mither and mooch and skrike and mardy bum and by ‘eck and all our words still now to baffle Scotlanders. Even though my parents are both imports to NW England themselves - sort

I have never heard to “mooch” offa someone I guess that is a regional thing. Hasn’t made it up north or to Scotland. But I would get the meaning.

  • Freud’s Last Session.


No I think that’s rather apt.

Hang on, haven’t we already done this with the fictional “Footballers Wives” series? If no-one gets married, then float off in a hot air balloon before crash landing in a lion enclosure then I will be deeply disappointed.

Best use of a drone ever.

Took care of it for you. You’re welcome and Welcome.

From Helluva

Your awesome user name deserves a star of it's own!

So it'll be under-ridden and overrated at the same time?

It’s kinda dangerous though. I used to dance with free weights after having a few, and it’s sheer luck that I never broke any of the furniture. Or any of me.