
Oh it's just me kissing a severed head in a bucket

The Starks are turning into quite the little Super Family:

Arya's power is in her cunning. She didn't take on the entire Frey family with her fighting skills; she tricked them all into drinking poison. She's a successful killer but still a smaller, weaker fighter. I have no doubt she can get close to Cersei if she wants. People theorize that it will be Jaime who kills Cersei

The rose is the sigil of House Tyrell. Their motto: Growing Stronger. (get it?)

And it doesn't help that she's getting beat up constantly by the House of Black and White's version of Kimmy Gibbler

Self awareness: Julian McCullough does not have it.

There's a trend recently in American television to do shorter runs of episodes (Sleepy Hollow's ten episode season springs to mind), and I think Elementary would benefit from this, especially this season.

And a comment like this one only confirms one's worst suspicions about the British.

As a female Moriarty myself (no really, my family name is Moriarty), I am on Team Elementary. I think it definitely improves on the mythology (my favorite thing ever might be the fact that their version of Mrs. Hudson is a transgender Greek language expert) and Liu and Miller are fantastic to watch. I watched the