Hells Bells Trudy

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

Wow, what the fuck are you even saying? No one fucking knows what you’re talking about dude! Quit using the slang and talk normal. just shut up, drink your fucking hateraid, and think about your life, thanks.

We spread the petty shit around, but we don’t make it up. The point is, there’s plenty of petty shit already—look no further than these very pages!—so why invent more? It just undermines the snotty superiority we media types are trying so hard to convey!

I too had a Canadian girlfriend in high school.

Of course, being Canadian, that was less of an achievement.

because he’s a maverick who plays by his own rules, duuuhhhh

RIP goldfish

Well they didn’t die in the parking garage. That’s a happy ending.

Happy endings and closure are a part of Seinfeld’s format? That’s... an interesting interpretation.

Well he DID slap a child a few years ago.


I do like that Kellyanne Conway understands that the scariest thing she can be for Halloween is herself.

It’s that what you say when any formerly great, or at least potentially great, institution goes downhill? “Then leave”?

Yeah, trotting out a conspiracy theory that you’re being “silenced” every time you get in trouble is kind of ridiculous. She also wasn’t being “silenced” by Twitter, she doxxed someone by tweeting a personal phone number.

“Are they trying to silence me?”

So Netflix was going to end the show anyway but it trying to use Anthony Rapp’s pain to look progressive?

Are you new to this show?

There are 8 comments (not including mine) on this article. You are 3 of them. If you hate this so much and are so insistent on your BOTH SIDES ARE EQUALLY BAD narrative, go somewhere.

I imagine you’re a real hit at parties.

Crawl out of your own ass, pal.

The anxiety since Trump got elected is real, and I loved this show’s take on it.