Hells Bells Trudy

Yeah, I’m among the feministiest feminists you’ll find, and I saw no problem there.

Clearly some people didn’t think the same way which is why some parents had a problem (and he didn’t even listen to those parents so he was already a shitty person for not acquiescing to their wishes). There are probably some people now who also would have no problem with tickling and thinks its innocent. I’m not

Reality Hillary Clinton constantly has to fight with Imaginary Hillary Clinton in the public space.

Yeah, what the fuck is with that? She literally said debate after debate that he was dangerous and terrible and openly pondered how people could support him.

The Clintons, by which we mean Hillary, were very open about the danger Trump represented. They did not just “laugh at his seemingly harmless antics.”

He’s a screenwriter. That’s all he knows.

He could’ve taken the same tack many others are and said, “I had no idea! This is terrible and shocking!” Instead, he says what should be said, and he (appropriately) calls himself out as well. I give someone a lot of props for acknowledging what he did wrong and why.

um i have a question......r u even emo?

Seconded. Pence won’t start WW3. Additionally, unlike the vast majority of the GOP, Pence is a REAL religious nut job. Which means he actually cares about passing laws that harm anyone who isn’t a straight white Christian (as opposed to the rest of the GOP who floats that shit to make rubes happy, while the actual GOP

Fuck it, I’ll take him. Pence wouldn’t get shit done anyway, being tied to the impeached Trump, who would take all the headlines anyway. I’d rather be more disgusted than scared, like during those halcyon days of President George W. Bush.

You have ugly floor tiling, O’Reilly. And that ain’t a dog either. Like Ron Swanson said, any dog under 50 lbs is a cat, and cats are useless.

I could probably make a decent fortune if my father gave me millions to start with. I probably wouldn’t go bankrupt running a fucking Casino, which you would think would be practically impossible, and I probably wouldn’t have declared bankruptcy as often as Trump has. And also, to become president I wouldn’t have to

I looked up the actor playing Kemper because I really think he’s a standout performance and was so surprised to find that he looked like a giant teddy bear and goofy actor in real life. I really hope he gets all the credit for this performance.

Ford’s flights of literary fancy

The dialogue is extremely stilted, especially in the middle during the relationship building. It’s a surprisingly routine piece from Fincher and ai can see how the reviewer felt. There’s no doubt in my mind that if this was on network tv it’d be a two-part pilot. Taken alone it’s not indicative of what’s to come so

For the record, everyone but me is wrong.

Looks to me like he got his gross opinions thoroughly repudiated by 30 other people, which is kind of how this thing is supposed to work. At this point, seeing him repeatedly told how and why he’s wrong and just how many people think he’s an asshole is more useful as a deterrent than just deleting the thread.

In the

it’s still in the url! Complaint re-instated!

I like how you spelled it “Frazier,” as I’m now picturing former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier moving to Seattle, fuming over his father’s disgusting recliner and overintelligent dog, and scheming with his brother to throw a party that will get them a better box at the opera.