
That’s nice but people in areas with spotty slower internet and those with data caps on their internet will not be able to take full advantage of streaming games. The latter issue will be a big one, unlimited internet costs an extra $50 a month on my area and some places don’t even offer the option, so that low price

However, there is something called a fair use clause, I am not a lawyer either, but fair use exists so game, film, and show makers can depict things that happen in the “real” world without having to ask permission to show every single piece of technology. In this case the item in question has historical significance,

I’m shocked... oh wait, no I not. Listing that you played a sport that you’ve probably never even acutally even seen someone else do as an way to get admitted, is not “mild exaggeration.” This was flat out lying. I think many people have padded resumes with things like listing that time they won a League of Legends

That formula was swiftly locked away in a vault at the company’s Atlanta headquarters, where it lay dormant for over 30 years.”

If you have any leads on the Jack in the Box beef”

Doesn't mean people will stop trying in the hopes GW will stumble one day. 

Their game in the Fallout universe is small scale with a player maybe controlling one or two units, so why would it be strange if they follow that model?

Methinks someone doth protest too much. I see no hate.

I get what Epic is trying to do with their limited exclusive setup, but I don’t like it. Their setup combined with this new news only makes me less likely to ever buy from them. That said, they are also too new for me to give them my cash. In today’s fickle tech environment they could be a nonentity in two or three

I too have been griping about the Mouse for a long time (since my teens in ther 80s). For now we can bitch, but when Disney owns all media and has the right officals in its pocket and rewrites things to exclude bad mouthing or parodying them as protected speech in the same way Congresspeople exempt themselves from

What a dumbass. Who ever did this is a real rocket surgeon.

Actually the D rather that an F is the “trophy” for showing up. When I grade I tell them at least giving me something is worth some points, even just a paper with your name on it is worth a couple of points. When calculating final grades even a few points is better than a zero. Even at that some students still don’t

You have got to love PR people with their unnecessary qualifications. Sometimes qualifying something is important, but in this case:

Damn, CoH was my first MMO. Even though I did no play much near the end, I was bummed when it shut down.

Lol, my wife said the same thing.

As a black man and a historian I think kids (college-aged kids, at least) should see Song of the South and the other shows and cartoons of the mid 20th century I use as teaching tools (many far worse than Song of the South). The key is historical context. Never showing people these films makes it easy for some to make

It has been heavily pirated and bootlegged from outside the US. As a historian who believes we should to put on our rose-colored glasses when viewing the past I have included a digtial transfer of the movie in my collection of films, shows, and cartoons from the mid 20th century that were pulled by various studios and

I read the headline, then saw the picture and I am still laughing. Thank you for my pick for the “Well no shit Sherlock,” article of the week. As if anyone with 1/10 of a brain though Disney was going to realease that film, no matter how many times they said entire. As if anything could be more obvious. These types of

Upset that that people are calling them cheaters?!

I wish I could get excited, but two things prevent that. 1) It is EA and we have seen them drive good studios into the ground before. 2) We have been lied to about micro transactions before. I hope I am wrong as hell but this will be more of a 6 months after release purchase for me. Which is sad, years ago this would