
Babylon 5 did it best, IMO. Standalone episodes with a metaplot that allowed for both ongoing charatcer development and those stories that only the occasional episodic style could cover. Going back to a purely episodic format risks the danger of a show becoming formulaic as ST:TNG did in its last few seasons. You

As a black man who has played D&D for nearly 40 years, and who is a historian in real life (so the stereotypes grate on me extra hard) I can only say I have switched to my own settings for many of the reasons mentioned above.

I hold out hope that Lorca is not the real captain but a Mirror Universe copy. The theory seems less far-fetched given the last scene with Stanits.


He gets so much wrong, such as a clear misinterpreting of Communism, none of the so called Communist states has been Communist. But he does make a few good points like the tendency of the left (in reality both sides) to form echo chambers and shut down contrary ideas. Recently, there haa been a tendency to shut down

The Jedi not doing a good job? 1000 generations of stewardship seems pretty damn goodb to me. 2-3 generations worth of films aside.

After reading the title I was right there with you, until the beautiful part. The show is bullshit, but that is all just bullshit. It paints an overly pessmistic view of the world ( which in reality can be awful to be sure), none of the characters I encountered before I gave up after 2 episodes are at all appealing,

Lol are you referring to the film industry that makes shameless cash grabs all the time? I get your point but it is not as any entertainment medium is above cash grabs and equating games to the all time kings of the technique seems odd to me. Easy fix though  don’t play or watch. Heck, I have left a friends house

Predictable as it was, and believe me I tend to dislike  predictable, there was something about the direct character interactions that drew me for reasons I can’t put my finger. That and the moral ambiguity of it all made me happy. But hey that is the beauty of all forms of entertainment— to each their own. Even in

It is interesting to read the comments of those for and against a sequel. For me it is akin to a ‘Joelesque’ level of selfishness, personally other game has made me feel for the characters the way TLoU did. I frankly despise game that tell me I can only 20 or so rounds for x weapon yet then proceeds to let me pile on

Alas, it seems by the time they get this sorted out a great many people will have quit the game. Niantic got caught flat-footed by the massive popularity of this and rather than thinking outside of the box they used standard corporate strategies which will only lose them a great many players and a ton of money. A