Death Angel, Exodus, Overkill, Testament

I was prepared to blow up whatever quasi-racial analysis you guys were about to lay down, but ya, that’s Odell-on-Norman, Burfict-on-Brown full-speed, helmet-to-helmet shot right there. Now, tell me one thing, did I use the hyphens correctly?

This proves he’s a billionaire. He knows SO MANY!

Guns for Gilbert! Arms for Arenas! This travesty will not stand!


This should be good comment reading.

Moar plz

Because emasculated SJWs and third-wave feminists haven’t gotten their cold, snowflake hands around its neck covering the athletes’ personal lives and faulting the sport itself for human behavior that has endured for millennia.

Angels don’t exist.

Your comment could be at the top of each comments section tho.

“And that would immediately be horrifying, because (see Westworld) the minute that sex robots become conscious, empathetic beings, the user immediately becomes a perpetrator of rape and sexual slavery.”

Bring back Rebecca Romjin.

If you ever start feeling bad for robots, just watch Terminator again.

Ya, but that’s not a great pic to inspire me to fuck a robot to death.

Awww, Big Baby got a beef with the press? What a whiny bitch!

Nobody is claiming that WikiLeaks didn’t release real documents dude. It’s about their intentions and what other information that they had access to and made an editorial decision about.

Richard Sherman Keeps Crying

New to the internet?

A bitchy little showboat? Color me surprised.

Cowboys are gonna stomp the shit out of these pussies.