Death Angel, Exodus, Overkill, Testament

Did you know that the South voted to secede from the Union and the U.S.A. fought a costly civil war over it? KGB troll.

Can’t be bothered to be charitable.

Holy shit Gojira fucking rocks and this track is totally slamming! I think Burneko wrote that fucking shitty review of Metallica’s new garbage. This makes up for that.

Unnecessarily escalate the situation? I think it’s the people that are openly antagonistic in every situation they encounter.

No, I played baseball like a good American boy. I did once dress up my younger brother in catchers gear to whip wrist shots at him in a fisher price net. My dad shut that down super quick, but not before I could top shelf a shot just to the right right of his head.

No man, that’s all Congress.

I went to the OBgyn doctor with my gf for some moral support. The guy was asking her about her religious beliefs. He was very detached. I conjured up a whole set of assumptions about the guy - namely, that he was just another Dallas mega-church attendee with a superficial morality and job security who doesn’t give

If I’ve got a problem with it, it’s that the refs just sat there and spectated on Price while he was hitting the dude. And when Lovejoy comes in to start shit with Price, the refs don’t stick with the unwritten rule of letting them go to the ice. The ref jumps in - like, whoa whoa not the goalie!

Oh man, this is such a Lamespin comment. This is what hockey is all about. I mean, he took one swing at his head and then gave him a couple kidney shots. No big deal.

Is this a joke?

This was great, and the quotes only make it more awesome.

The security guards totally told those guys to break it up man. What else do you want?


Pop calls out entire team - genius (and rightfully so).

Rule # 2: always outnumber security.

Now playing

No metal on here yet - 90s metal wasn’t that great but...

Those things are definitely true. It was like watching last year’s team. Penalties. 3&outs. Nerve-wracking defensive series. I’ll be real surprised if they don’t lose a few more this season and I just want to see if they bounce back or panic. And how bad do they panic? Like bench the starter at 11-3?? We’ll see.

The clip didn’t play for me. Were the Warriors jumping around like hyenas and yipping like bitches in heat every time they hit a 3? Were they fist pumping on long range jumpers with a 20 point lead? Were they thumping their chests when they got a -and1 called for them? I bet they were. You call it having fun. I

That’s because the Cowboys secondary, after a decent first half of the season, has reverted to its natural state of being - porous garbage. Marinelli will rush 3 and 4 during the first half and never reach Eli. He’ll rush 5, six times in the second half. And never reach Eli. Cowboys offense will show up and save

Not enough gas?? Should’ve had more beans and rice.