
Don’t bring God into this, bro. He has nothing to do with the fact that you are a gigantic pile of garbage who ever thought that it was even close to okay to choke a pregnant woman. Stop hiding behind religion because you, a gigantic pile of actual garbage, were too up your own ass to realize that you’re not supposed

Now playing

Did you all see the “bike thief” setup that they did?

Now there are people demonizing him for accepting money from his coaches and trying to “figure out” how his mom’s bill could be $305. Well how about this? They were really poor so she probably let bills slip (as I did when I was living below the poverty line) because it’s not like your electricity gets automatically

Jesus it landed right at his feet. I don’t know if he’s justified for throwing the flag into the stands but something that made that much noise could’ve definitely caused some damage.

This is the “I have lots of black friends” of idiotic soccer comments.

I see you’re new to lifehacker.com

Yes, I am a Patriots fan thank you for asking.

So let me get this straight: a federal case about whether or not a football man knew that other people who worked near said football man inflated or deflated football balls in violation of football, LLC’s rules is important enough for the court to hear, but medical malpractice suits, the Flint Water Crisis, and

Is there going to be a post about Jeff Teague’s horrible play at the end of regulation? I was looking forward to watching that again and again today.

A bad call aside from putting an NHL franchise in southern florida?

He blocked me for making fun of 38Studios.

Counterpoint: Fuck Barça.

This deserves its own post.

as a former bostonian i fear that you have ranked Boston altogether too high to get the desired response from current bostonians. Also LA is a garbage pile and doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near the top 10.

LOL @ baseball being SUCH A MANLY GAME.

This garbage person is going to murder a woman before the NFL is willing to do anything about it.