
Tie Domi would have punched her through the glass.

Wasn’t Craig’s Bond tortured in Casino Royal by using a weight on a chain on his balls?

I just want to say that I’ve now reached the apex of my professional career.

Oh yeah, sorry, it’s kind of obscure, it’s the Blue Jackets’ entire history from 2000-2016

There’s a big James episode coming up that we’re starting to shoot this week. It’s, like, the biggest James story we’ve ever done. We’re excited, Mehcad [Brooks] is excited…. It’s going to be great.

The Flash

I’ve never gotten here so early before... Help!

every movie needs 100% more Sam Rockwell dacing

Semi-accurate depiction of me, except I’m not in cowgirl clothes.

Mental note, do not drink Fireball on a Thursday night and then go to work the next day.

Day drinking truly is the best!

I started early today because it’s been a shit week.

It’s Friday! Time to dance!!

Supposed to be extra crazy warm in the Midwest this weekend. Might take a dip.

One week down, 207 to go.

Allow me a brief moment of soapboxing-

Drop bears!