

I’ve lost the ability to take anything seriously today:

I enjoyed Lockout for what it was, just sayin’ John...

Ya, like a mid-twenty’s Eleven and an aged and jaded, Clint Eastwood like, Hopper. Joyce could do like an Oracle type role from her bat shit crazy living room.

Probably gonna spend the weekend re-watching this:

All that work and you leave 2 gaping seams in it? Couldn’t take a pair of scissors to a sheet or table cloth? Maybe it’s just me but...

I have a theory about what’s on the surface...

...Would it?

Cole edging out Damien?



(slack jawed drool...)

...just a little


People keep asking me what I’m doing for the wife on Mother’s day...

Let us not forget...

Made this for the gif party. Thought I’d share here to:

We had a good run going a couple weeks ago:

Not the hero he deserved, but the one he needed...
