
*Starts singing safety dance

“Oh Bunny!?!? Ball Ball!!”

Dragon...but more...like...griffin...dog...loin...thing. yyyyaaaaa...ok?

“What does the color blue taste like?”

This is brain, I’m out...

I watched Justice League: War recently and thought it did perfectly in 1h15m what took BvS well over 2 hours to screw up.

Found it...


Well, bye internet! See you tomorrow! I’m good for the day.

Office mate: “Was it funny?”

36. of the Foot

Yep, this week has been 1.46 days too long...

Pretty sure this guys stay up there the whole shift.

Me Too! And with ultra cool boss’s permission!

This. Her and brief glimpses of J’onn J’onzz being awesome are the main reasons to watch this show.

It’s the effort that counts...

Living in Ohio, not even a browns fan, but you cant help to hear the constant stupid of this whole organization. It’s mind boggling.

Train done left the station long before this...

Something something Cthulhu...