We when they said the CT was a go anywhere end of the world truck, they really meant go any where with it and it will be thee end of the world for the CT.
We when they said the CT was a go anywhere end of the world truck, they really meant go any where with it and it will be thee end of the world for the CT.
There should be an Idiocracy remake where Texas is just one giant highway with like a million lanes. The only actual development is a singular Hardee’s where Austin used to be.
Some engineer you are! Clearly they just need a couple more lanes! Endlessly building more lanes to alleviate the endlessly-gridlocked highway is called “job security.”
Give Texas back to Mexico.
Thanks jebus I was able to escape that wretched hellhole.
It’s still so weird to me that any time Musk’s stocks are tanking, he can just stumble on to Twitter and post some rambling thing about how they’re just about to reveal some kind of magical new tech that obviously will never happen and that just fixes everything. At what point will people with money realize this is a…
That’s a very reasonable thing to say. The Houston, Dallas-FWT, and San Antonio areas have had zero growth and absolutely no increase in people who walk/bike in those areas. Just them there Austinfornia hippies walking around.
Apparently the “Optimus” robot was first Grimes in a Robot Suit, as if it was a dude they would have had their “package” showing due to the spandex suit. Then their “Optimus” video was pure SGI. Lastly they had them functioning as remotes follow in the motion sensors on the wrists & ankles of humans. Because there…
I’m honestly not sure why I would WANT my own humanoid robot. It seems to be a solution in search of a problem, except the solution doesn’t actually work.
“Autobots, roll out!”
Too soon man!
“It’s not clear why Tesla decided not to do a demo”
Musk is the king of vaporware, and he gets away with it because there’s no one to hold him accountable.
Although Elon is smart in many ways
It’s not funny to mock the tragic death of Optimus Prime. Put some respect on his name.
“Tesla not showing its tech is most likely a sign that it is so far advanced that they don’t feel comfortable having it visible to the average show goer. Definitely buy stock now.” - Tesla investors, probably
So far we’ve seen this robot as a guy in a spandex suit, then an elaborate mechanical turk being puppeted by someone just off camera, and now locked away behind glass. But surely it’s not just more vaporware to pump Tesla stock price.
Especially when you’re an absolute lunatic who would rather be broadcasting conspiracy theories and indulging in petty beefs than actually running any of those companies.
My favorite thing about the Ioniq 5 is that stylistically, it’s basically a master class in showing Tesla how to build something with sharp angles and retro styling that actually works and doesn’t suck.
Has mElon called every at C&D a bunch of pedos yet?