
Yup, you’re probably right. I was overthinking it.

This. Jabels is a brand at this point & the brand must be free of controversy. Team Rage Kage on this one

He BROUGHT his family to a white supremacist rally.

Eh fuck that guy. He went to a pro facism rally and caught a bullet.

Stewart continues to be a weasel happy to dabble in “both sides are bad” to hold himself aloft in a cloud of unearned moral superiority.

O’Reilly is one of the top examples of why I fucking HATE that “If you don’t talk to them, nothing will ever be solved.” It’s been this way since the Tea Party of 2009. We’ve talked to them, sat through pointless interviews like this, read the articles, even had the conversations IRL. They don’t want to budge an inch,

Honestly, I don’t see things changing until we’re on the other side of a significant, severe, domestic conflict. We are a nation of toddlers who do not recognize a problem until well *after* it has happened. We’re the fucking children who will boldly touch the active stove burner, yowl in pain, and then say shit like

Right.  I’m truly, TRULY, not trying to be a dick here. He didn’t deserve to die and that’s shitty.  But being killed when you didn’t deserve to be killed doesn’t automatically make you a hero and it doesn’t retroactively make you a good person.  I think we can say “that’s sad that he died like that” without lionizing

I agree. I rolled my eyes a bit about all the “oh it’s too bad”, what a tragedy, etc. over the whole shooting.

My condolences to the female writers and staffers.  I cannot imagine they liked this.

It’s a true fuck you to all his female staff members.

Well his own god doesn’t seem to care much. Trump never called his wife, Biden actually did.

FUCK elon mush, he’s a fucking POS. 

He died shielding his family at a white supremacist rally. Key bit of info to leave out.

People throw around the word “hero” a little too much.

I do not like that he is being called a hero. There’s conflicting reports of either shielding family, or he died instantly before anyone knew what to do.

I also agree with commenters that even if I bought into Jon’s attempts at discourse here, doing it by giving airtime to a serial sexual harasser is not the way.

1st gear: “in other news, the latest movie blockbuster that hit theaters this weekend outsold the blockbuster that hit theaters 3 months ago!”

so many of us are the sociopolitical equivalent of an untrained kid charging the field at the Super Bowl and demanding to play QB.”

What the everloving fuck is wrong with the Stewart and the show that they thought this was a good idea?