
His obsession with birth rates is about what it’s always been about: On a personal level, it’s about his own weird breeding fetish; on a business level, it’s about creating an endless supply of cheap labor; on a societal level, it’s pure Eugenics.

Exactly - if we’ve learned anything from the last several years in America, it’s that malicious corrupt actors will never face any consequences and will, in fact, flourish and be granted only more power, influence, and cold hard cash.

We’ll regret this for many reasons, but Americans have never given a flying fuck about anything but the immediate future anyway.

Americans love to be guinea pigs for all kinds of idiotic and dangerous things.

I can’t tell, what state is that? I’m going to assume Florida until told otherwise.

How many hyperlinks to other Jalopnik stories does this need? There are 20 in this short silly tale. I know Jim the Herb is desperate for self-referential clicks, but this is ridiculous.

For whatever it’s worth, I’m happy with my Kona EV even though it’s pretty boring and nowhere near as snazzy as the 6 ora lot of other EVs, it gets the job done as a commuter car for the price.

Exactly - no decent person should live in the Confederacy (including other red states who are now part of it). There should be a massive domestic Marshall Plan to help vulnerable/decent people stuck there escape to build lives in better states where they’ll be treated like actual human beings. Then let the Confederacy

Because this country loves to take advantage of the willingness of others to serve but offer nothing in return. And the next movement is going to be for all red states to deny driver’s licenses to non-citizens knowing that they still have to drive to make it to their jobs (that they pay taxes on but get no benefits)

Except that Tennessee has a Republican governor, two Republican senators, and all Republican members of Congress, so they’ll happily back the DMV up on telling people that they’re not citizens and would probably hurry along attempts to deport him. The cruelty is the point.

Right wingers love telling people to leave the country even though they’re the ones that call it a disgusting cesspool and want to change everything about it.

Same. I’d love nothing more than to leave it for good and never look back.

It’s okay, we’re all allowed to be grievously wrong sometimes.

I see what you did there.

Because America. Sigh.

Tesla’s stock bump is just further proof that stock price of a company is in direct inverse proportion to its actual value. Hopefully this boomlet is just people shorting the stock.

Unfortunately he could literally lose 99.999% of his wealth and still be an obscenely rich person.

Because we live in Hell and the worst people always come out ahead.

Don’t sleep on the Hyundai Kona - not as cheap as the Mirage or Versa, but small, efficient, and real quality (particularly in the EV version, I love mine after comparison shopping/test driving others).

Looks like the shareholders are getting their $56 billion worth!