I’m guessing the Cybertruck wasn’t one of their options but it would be neat to see a vehicle get 1/100.
I’m guessing the Cybertruck wasn’t one of their options but it would be neat to see a vehicle get 1/100.
Elon is going to end up making the General Lee standard on every Cybertruck with no exceptions simply to “own the libs.”
Here’s hoping the shareholders and board members refuse to negotiate with a terrorist.
I have never heard of this show and see that it was quickly canceled, but I have to say it’s pretty great and was gone too soon. Final Space met the same sad fate despite being an even better series that got zero promotion.
Bobby is a fusion chef? Please let this be the start of the King of the Hill crossover with The Bear that no one asked for but that we all desperately need.
He is also like Trump in that he is a lying fascist white supremacist.
Unfair comparison: Scrooge McDuck actually earned his fortune.
The entire company is one big lie.
It went so well the first time that they can’t wait to try again and ruin another person’s life! I’m sure there will be no shortage of Muskrats who are happy to volunteer to be his next guinea pig.
It did, in fact, literally fall out (or to be fully accurate, became partially disconnected from the person’s brain despite Elon’s assurance that no such thing could happen). Shocker, eh?
What on earth is the point in a documentary on an already-widely-reported subject that happened only about five years ago which practically everyone who would watch said documentary remembers and knows about?
Cut to all the Muskrats claiming that loose wires floating around your brain are a feature, not a bug, and that it was totally meant to work that way and is, in fact, better.
They pray every night that someone will break into their trailers to steal something since they think it would give them the chance to do the one thing they’ve always wanted: Kill another human being. That’s what they all crave desperately.
The weakest minds are also the most armed and most dangerous.
The Supreme Court won’t tolerate this kind of reasonable security for long: They’ll use this as an occasion to rule that all Americans are required to be strapped at all times under penalty of death.
He looks and acts more like Butthead every single day.
Elon has gone full Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump University, etc. The grift never ends because there’s a sucker born every minute.
An overpriced hammer that you’re explicitly told not to use as a hammer is kind of the perfect metaphor for Tesla as a whole.
I remember when airlines started charging to check bags sometime after 2001 when the industry was hurting and they could point to higher oil/gas prices as reasons for the surcharge. Oil prices have fluctuated wildly since then, up and down, but the fees never went away because we got used to it like the boiled frogs…