
You can pretty much guarantee that Boeing fits perfectly into Congress’ arbitrary definition of “too big to fail” and that they’d get a generous taxpayer bailout despite all their misdeeds. It doesn’t help that the chairs of both the Senate Appropriations Committee and Commerce Committees—who would be essential figures

Late stage capitalism is going to kill us all.

Elon is absolutely going to just turn around and back the money truck up to Mar-a-Lago anyway. Their mutual interests in grifting and white supremacy are too great to keep them apart for long.

How would we be able to tell the difference?

Satire is beyond their comprehension level.

He’d never agree to do that show, basic empathy and character growth is off the table for him and any character he’d play.

When this show inevitably tanks, brace yourselves for the storm of indignation and claims that it was canceled by “wokeness” rather than being stupid boring garbage.

Rebirth’s combat is entirely too convoluted. The number of systems and mechanics and the way they interact is absurd.

To paraphase Homer Simpson, whenever Chadley’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, “Where’s Chadley?”

This babbling little bastard just won’t shut up - it’s like Square took Fi from Zelda Skyward Sword and cranked it up to 11. Couldn’t Chadley’s creators have at least programmed his AI with a little bit of self-awareness?

Must be nice to get credit for a story by asking readers for their opinions and then get credit for another story by publishing those opinions verbatim. Despite the best efforts of many of its writers and editors, G/O Media is such a disgrace.

It’s a real shame there aren’t more ways to play the PSP version of FFIV on the Complete Collection since it’s got a lot of upsides even on the Pixel Remaster. Unfortunately that tethers you to a tiny washed-out screen or some convoluted hook-up to your TV that doesn’t look great.

This pretty much nails it. The Pixel Remasters go a long way to refining the original games that shaped what FF is, reaching its peak with 6 (although I think for someone newer to RPGs as a whole, 4 is an even more fundamental starting point even if it doesn’t hit the heights of 6 in terms of character development and

Remake/Rebirth are far too convoluted in terms of gameplay and story for newcomers unless they’re very experienced in similar series (which seems unlikely that they’d play games in the FF zone but not FF itself).

I know this is a deeply unpopular view among FF fans, but FFX is a drag. The random battle frequency is WAY too high, most of the main characters are somber and dull (when they’re not being outright obnoxious, I see you Tidus and Rikku), the minigames are interminable, the cutscenes are endless, and the story is bound

Wait a second, good lord. So not only do we have the more complex battle mechanics in Remake, but there are separate meters for Synergies as well as Skills, Affinity to keep track of, the map has layers, tabs, and subtabs, plus weapons skills and crafting?

I know I’m an old fogie who is not with the times, but I found Remake’s combat to already be bordering on overly complex and now there’s even more to keep track of: Attacking, manual blocking, manual dodging, manual character switching, locking on, Limit Breaks, ATB meters, Pressure meters, Stagger meters, and now

They could have expanded Midgar but less so in the first game and made it either at least go through Kalm and the flashbacks or through Junon ending when they get on the ship, but no one asked me.

Bingo. At the pace they’re going with all the extra material, how are they going to go from the Forgotten Capital to the end of the original in one game without making it either feel rushed or making that game 150 hours long?

If both Remake and Rebirth cover only the plot of the first disc of the original, how are they going to cram the second two discs’ worth of plot into the last part of a trilogy, especially if it’s crammed full of constant unending minigames?