
“I have no idea what I’m talking about but here’s my uninformed opinion for millions of loyal people who believe whatever I say” isn’t much of a defense.

If someone of any political stripe starts reflexively complaining about “cancel culture” or out of control “wokeness,” that’s the #1 sign you’re talking to a moron.

Frankly there are few better ideas than actually silencing Joe Rogan. This idiot is the reason I wish cancel culture was actually a thing.

Top of article: “If you’re one of the viewers mourning ABC’s recently canceled shows like American Housewife...”

Ah, so THIS is what he was all excited about on the Scrubs podcast (don’t sleep on it, it’s fun!)

Any left-leaning person defending Texas at this point simply has Stockholm Syndrome.

Am I honestly supposed to be impressed that Texas had a single statewide Democrat elected three decades ago and literally not a single one since then? I keep hearing that more people voted for Biden in Texas than New York as if that says something more than the fact that Texas has a lot more people than New York - the

Am I honestly supposed to be impressed that Texas had a single statewide Democrat elected three decades ago and literally not a single one since then? I keep hearing that more people voted for Biden in Texas than New York as if that says something more than the fact that Texas has a lot more people than New York - the

LOL good luck getting a “better educated populace” in Texas.

Letting Grog club you over the head and drag you back to the cave by your hair to own the libs.

A semi-rural area of a blue state is better than an urban/suburban area in a red state because in the former, the state government isn’t actively working to immiserate and kill you. That’s an improved quality of life. Ask the people living in Houston and Dallas how they feel being completely left on their own

Because NYC, DC, LA, San Francisco, Houston, Detroit, and other major cities aren’t “diverse?” They’re liberal bastions and the most diverse places in the country. What is wrong with you?

“Why should I have to move? They are the ones who suck.”

People have been saying Texas is turning blue for literally 40 years: Between voter suppression and the fact that a sustained majority of people refuse to change, it’s never going to happen. Blind hope is not a prescription. Texas is the way it is because the majority of people want it to be that way, and continue

They’re not going to accept the vaccines anyway, and it’s not like vaccines theoretically denied to them would simply be thrown in the trash: They’d be reallocated to states and communities where they’d actually be used and appreciated.

Republican voters elect Republican politicians: All are responsible for the misery and cruelty they inflict, you can’t separate the politicians from the people who elect them.

“Are these Blue States going to offer free housing and food while I find a job?”

This is good Kinja.

What you call “condescending and stereotyping,” most of us would call “accurately assessing and describing.”

Yuck, why would someone even want to visit there?