I'm in this thing to grab somebody by the genitals

No, this is a special liberal snowflake echo chamber. And I don’t want to disparage the people here because I have learned a lot of things relating to gender identity and the psychology of sexual assault victims here. But - look at your first response. Your point will be missed.

Can I pretty please say something racist about Dave Chappelle? Please!?!?!

What a crock of shit.

First rule of PR (maybe, I’m not really an expert): the cover up only makes it worse.

I can’t believe this is at the bottom of the comments section.

American Media Inc. owns the Enquirer. Mr. Trump and American Media Chairman and Chief Executive Officer David J. Pecker are longtime friends.

Trump supporters say “She’s such a warhawk” but they want to “bomb the shit out of ISIS” and deny their man supported it.

Oh Jesus, I forgot where I was commenting. Just, just - redacted. Whatever.

* any time.

My peoples. The Dems. The Jez group does care about rape victims, but they’re a little preoccupied with getting anything in the world out there to destroy Trump. Which is...fine. You don’t have to be included if you don’t want to.


This one is serious. We got our loony tunes too.

Keep up here. This is clearly a satirical post and obviously, if the KGB is involved, then Donald may have identified her.

This is where I’m going when the vegan gf is out of town.

If there are 1440 minutes in a day, that’s one banana every half hour, roughly.

I don’t think [ad lib masturbation joke] was doing anything but being snide about vegans.

Fair enough. She eats the Daiya stuff as well and that stuff is so flavorless. However, let me say this about cashew ricotta - it’s homemade and not just takes the place of ricotta in a lasagna. It’s basically soaked and pureed raw cashews with lemon juice, garlic, and seasonings. I wouldn’t put it on here if it


My girlfriend makes a vegan lasagna with a cashew ricotta. Chipotle cauliflower tacos are what I make.

You, me, and millions of people.