Hell on Heels

I sent everyone an email with a website. It is 2015, screw buying stamps. As for seating? Sit somewhere, adults, presumably next to people you won't punch in the face at our wedding. But I'm a cheap jerk who is all about delegating where to sit to everyone but me.

Candy bar? Awesome!

this is so helpful, as I had no idea where to even start with printing! thanks a zillion! you’re #1!

I got spoiled. My first was a mellow baby who nursed, slept and pooped on schedule. He got up every morning with a big toothless smile and would actually sit for an hour on his own looking at picture books. Then along came the demon child from hell. She screamed 8 hours a day, from 4-12am, she didn't want to nurse

YES! Babies have the faces and fashion senses of the elderly. Tis the circle of life.

YES YES YES YES. I haaaate when people tell new moms with small babies “it only gets harder!” because it is so incredibly unhelpful and not (necessarily) true. I had bad PPD with my son when he was a baby but now that my son is three I am honestly relishing this time with him. Maybe for the person who just looooves

I also think this is an appropriate avenue to shamelessly flaunt my Indian Fusion Wedding Dress I designed for my wedding a few years ago

My son recognizes the opening music for The X-Files and Twin Peaks thanks to my maternity binge watching

It’s totally possible to hate the author/blogger and love the recipes. There’s a woman in my neighborhood who runs cooking classes and has a blog. She is way GOOP-ier than Gwynneth Paltrow, I mean everything is don’t use canned tomatoes, gluten free everything, local fair trade organic chia seeds! But then she’ll have

Shocker - a mom who makes lists, does Internet research, befriends and observes other mothers, and then applies what she’s learned on a daily basis is generally seen as a good mother. Just like you learn and excel at any other job.

Women do this shit too. My friend had a baby recently. I told her it’s hard and frankly boring work. People say you will be rushed off your feet but really, you have a vast amount of time to sit around once you’ve done any chores. She was complaining to me that the baby didn’t do anything and how bored she is. I

What a knob. Maybe he should have tried doing what most stay-at-home parents have to do; cleaning, appointments, shopping, etc. etc. Whilst still attempting to entertain a baby!

I know diddly about babies, especially newborns, but I feel like they would be super boring until they became somewhat mobile. However, it’s my understanding that most SAH parents aren’t just sitting around gazing at their baby all day long. Why didn’t this guy have other things to do? I’m sure there was laundry or

Alright I’ve seen enough of this article that I don’t want to click through, but I HAVE to ask: Did this man at any point refer to what he was doing as “babysitting?”

Totally agree. Lots of healthy foods taste good, are cheap, and are easy to prep. People on these threads sound weirdly lazy and/or bitter.

Seriously, you’re being so reasonable and level-headed here that I wonder if you accidentally stumbled onto the internet 5 seconds ago (I kid.).

and a random pot of water boiling on the stove a la chopped!

Because Kara Brown wants to justify her lifestyle and hate on anyone who is functional enough to cook apparently. This article is bad.

Yeah, as it turns out buying real food and cooking it, even expensive organic ingredients, is a lot cheaper than ordering out every night. Such privilege!

Also kale is good and not expensive, so screw that.