I was too! Martha doesn’t take shit from anyone, so what was she trying to prove? The whole thing was bizarre.
I was too! Martha doesn’t take shit from anyone, so what was she trying to prove? The whole thing was bizarre.
Yet another reason to love her!
I feel like the great mystery of this show (or of the first episode anyway) is whether everyone is high BUT Martha, or everyone is high INCLUDING Martha. Seriously though, it’s pretty hilarious. I especially enjoyed when, on episode 2, Ashley Graham tried to neg Martha a couple times, and Martha owned her in…
I love hearing stories from NH! For a state with such a long history they are surprisingly few and far between. I posted a couple of years ago about my experiences working in a 19th century fabric mill that had been converted into a shopping center, but I don’t recall seeing many others over the years.
So funny. We both have a lot of hair so I am sure something like that will happen down the road; it’s just slow in coming. It bothers her nanny more than it bothers me, especially when my husband dresses the baby in very unisex outfits - she is always coming up with innovative new ways of affixing markers of…
Ha! I would never have though of corn syrup for that purpose! Sounds...sticky.
Seriously, I have friends whose kids had more hair at birth than my daughter has now.
Amazing! Both my husband and I had a reasonable amount of hair (both blond also, at least as kids) by the time we were my daughter’s age (16 months), but hers is in no hurry.
I won’t even detail the whole ridiculous saga of the crazier of my two roommates first semester of freshman year. I’ll just say that once she decided she didn’t like me - because my schedule of getting up early to go work out, followed by actually attending my classes, didn’t coordinate with her schedule of sleeping…
That makes me feel better. I mean, I’m not actively worried about it, because my husband and I both have a normal to slightly-above-average amount of hair, it’s just funny to see how ridiculously long it’s taking to come in.
Good plan! I’ve noticed that it definitely seems to go hand in hand with dark hair from a young age. I don’t recall ever seeing a blond baby with a ton of hair.
Ha, let’s hope not for her sake! Poor Wills...
For the past year my daughter has been in a nanny share for 30 hours a week at $14 an hour. That’s right, approximately $22K for not even full-time care. We live in an area with an extremely high cost of living where full-time day care would have been about the same price, and decided to go for flexibility and…
I’m always so impressed by toddlers with luxurious heads of hair. My daughter is like a month younger than Charlotte and is on track to have a comparable amount of hair when she is approximately seven.
I’ve never taken advantage of it, but I have heard that it’s ridiculous/amazing! I used to have a colleague who had spent some time working in their customer service department and said that people would just have their worn-out old slippers replaced for free every 2-3 years, like, forever.
Nice! I only have one dress from them, also purchased at the outlet, and it is a big compliment-getter as well. It’s made of sailcloth and is like, the only shade of yellow that has ever looked good on me.
Have you ever checked out LL Bean Signature? It’s a pretty similar concept to Canvas, although unfortunately on the expensive side (although if you live in an area with LL Bean outlets you can often find pieces on the cheap).
The Honest that makes juice is a completely different company from the Honest that makes natural products! It’s owned by Coca-Cola.
I don’t know about Tennessee, but some states will allow you to reschedule your jury duty for a specific date. When I was in college in MA I postponed mine by a few weeks so I could go on the same day as a friend. So if she already had an outstanding summons, odds are she could have specifically requested the day…
I came here to say just this. I hardly ever reach for this because my lips feel parched within an hour, and I find it to be pretty patchy as well.
I came here to say just this. I hardly ever reach for this because my lips feel parched within an hour, and I find…