
Let me add #11: not trying the store brands. There was a time when store brands were of lower quality. Now many are quite good. They’re often packaged by the major manufacturers and are indistinguishable from he name brands. Give store brands a try. You can always go back to the name brand goods if you want to!

How about instead of whining “PLOT HOLES!!”, you go and tell us what specifically gave you so many problems with it? Because, I get the feeling that just a little bit of logical thinking will fill all of those holes you complain about.

Heroes wishes it could be Push, the problem is they set the bar too high. Save the cheerleader, save the world. The characters in Push are only interested in saving themselves. I think that might be why it didn’t resonate with audiences ... no flashy costumes, no high tech gadgets, no over the top special effects or

I didn't see it in the theater. I caught it on cable. I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, there are some spots that are lacking, but what movie doesn't have them. The storyline was entertaining, the acting was believable for the movie and I felt the casting was pretty solid. I also felt that a sequel would have been

Thank you! I adore Push. It’s a brilliant film, because it’s so smart! It’s a complex, but not convoluted script that lays out a set of rules, and sticks to them the entire time. It’s a great thriller, and like you said, the action serves the story rather than feeling like unessential setpieces. Telekinetic gunfights

Word. I’m so put off by the “personal branding” language because it assumes that my humanity can be summed up as a brand. And brands, keep in mind, are intentionally simple, not complex. And they’re almost always positive. Brands are used to sell us things, which means they are used to convince us of the inherent

I agree. I loved this film when it came out and hoped it would do better than it ultimately did.

PREACH. What is the payoff for all this brand-management and marketing focus-group analysis just to decide which facade you pick to get through your days, anyway? What do you get out of it? Your image in each person’s eyes is almost entirely shaped by their baggage— struggling to advertise anything else is pointless.

You have to deal with people treating you like a surrogate mother/daughter/sister/spouse even when you’re actually just two people who met three months ago and share a windowless office in the marketing department of a mid-level law firm in Indianapolis.”

I think I need that too...I’m honestly so bad at gauging what people think of me. I’d really like to know, which is why I always choose telepathy as my ideal superpower.

Tara Jacoby is ruling my world with these illustrations <3

literally my first thought. I would be murdered almost instantly.

Christ, no. That’s the last thing I want. I hate myself.

Interesting article, but I really wanted to say that Tara Jacoby did an awesome illustration. Nicely done!

Apparently I am not the only one that NEEDS those bike shorts... Free People’s website is refusing to cooperate.

Rock Hard Sundays would be a really great name for a Seminary College.