
part of the reason this bullshit continues to fly is people like you want to dictate how a victim of abuse should act. you literally want to put words in her mouth so that you can feel comfortable about her choices, and, failing that, you’re all too ready to assign complicity to her for violence wrought against her.

No, thank God they were just musing to me that I wasn’t missing much since I had to stop eating it. “Oh come on, it’s not that hard!” She literally didn’t know that pasta was made with wheat. Etc.

Tangent: Someone told me once that they could easily go gluten-free because they don’t even LIKE wheat bread. They only eat white bread.

Exactly. That was the message that we were given. Fat made you fat. Sugar wasn’t really even discussed except in fringe, hippie-style fashion.

Well, what I was really thinking about was that we were told implicitly that fat was the enemy. By the FDA (back in those days we trusted them!) and the surgeon general.

You can eat whatever you like. Junk food shouldn’t come with health claims, no matter if the particular health claims on it are trendy and of-the-moment or if they’re last decade’s trendy health claim.

I have gastroparesis, and as much as I like meat, it is not smart for me to eat it because I cannot digest it. Hummus and nuts are my main sources of protein because they don't make me projectile vomit. Nuts and legumes are the best.

We actually had this conversation at work the other day. I have a kind granola bar every day for a snack (the even less healthy kind, because it doesn’t have any nuts in it.) and one of my friends was like ‘Last time I ate a KIND bar I was sitting in class and suddenly had to poop’

I was eating the coconut almond one and a woman across from me (eating a package of Oreos) told me she doesn’t eat nuts because they have too many calories to be considered healthy. As a vegetarian, nuts are a good source of protein, occasionally. I don’t need to hear it from Oreo breath.

I sometimes wonder if the health standards the FDA uses is based on the diets of starving in Ethiopia.

Right? Some fats are good for you - nuts, avocados.

I dig their savory bars. Less sugar. More nuts and BBQ flavor.

Critical thinking skills people. Nuts = fat. Fat ≠ unhealthy.


I thought Swingers put an emphasis on safe sex? She says none of them used condoms.

People would be all like “you dog!” and nudge him fondly, grin. His pa would be like “atta boy!” and tell the neighbors he raised a stallion (I’m assuming he would not keep this private).

The only situation where boning 25 people at a party is acceptable is if…