Hello, America: Never Fuck a Republican

I hear you but I won’t worry until he’s out....there are too many people there keeping quiet and helping him DESPITE all this.

I will NEVER get over this. The people who have been enabling him are worse than he is, in my opinion. Without them he’d just be a doddering old racist tweeting in his penthouse.

I don’t know what to make of this thought exactly, but: he has all the resources of the Republican Party and the US executive branch/Pentagon at his disposal, and what he demands is so far outside of reality or their capabilities that he is asking for favors across the globe....does this mean our institutions are

It’ll be easy to tell because there will be one copy, hand-written, wrinkled and stinky from when he spilled gin all over it. 

For those who view impeachment inquiries/investigations/votes as politically detrimental to the Democrats...I mean clearly the Republicans and Trump don’t think it’s awesome for them politically. Why am I expected to latch onto that narrative?

Exactly - it’s not controversial that diversity is making bipartisanship more difficult; it’s framing it from the perspective of white males dealing with others’ diversity as an obstacle. 

And many of them are in the police squadrons that will respond to your 911 call if you are being attacked by neoconfederates. 

I need to do a deeper dive on her platform but that is my impression thus far. 

It’ll be tough but she’s right about it being a game of registration and mobilization. If they can get these people motivated to vote AND do the hard work of helping them navigate the various voter suppression efforts, Texas will indeed go purple or blue.

I hope he dies in prison a long time from now, with full awareness that his name has been scrubbed from every building and business on earth and that his children are broke. 

The ones who are itching to fight this war are not. They are heavily armed neo-Confederates and this kind of thing is the reason they are so concerned with losing their guns. Numbers don’t matter when only one side has been stockpiling weapons and only one side wants to see people mowed down in the streets. 

I agree!

He won’t do the dirty work but if others will do it for him, he'll use them. 

Nixon didn't have a national 24 hr propaganda machine to trick everyone with. 

I don't believe they'll do this because it will feel electorally risky and...you know, election year. I think if all this was going down at the beginning of one of his terms, maybe. But not now. 

Yep. Because there is no god, he's likely to live 20 more years. 

The civil war comments are a call to action. 

My dad’s side of the family lives to 100. They have addiction and fried foods and smoking and poverty all in that family. My mom’s side is full of marathon runners who get diabetes and die in their 60s.

Other than the stupid DNA thing, she is generally good at staying on message and out of the bullshit.

I know - this is what I was thinking. The committee(s) that hear the person are going to find out their identity, right?! The Republicans on those committees are going to immediately do this. They’re going to view themselves as heroes for it.