
They’re keeping it. Directly contradicts their usual stance on corporations profiting off social issues, wouldn’t you say?

The pro-gun crowd is always such a bastion of logic too! Sometimes things are just so unfair.

Hey “Adam”, I have a feeling you won’t be needing abortion or prenatal services. Kindly shut up.

Thank you for your brave reporting on this incredibly important story

Thanks for the laugh this morning, you fucking pussy

I’d much rather watch an enjoyable sport with a few missed calls than watch a boring slog full of replay delays.

This is a bad option

damn good find, that looks crazyyyyy

The trailer for the first strangers was honestly maybe the most unsettled I have ever been after seeing a trailer.

Trump’s HEROISM throughout the years

This is exactly the wrong opinion.

You just keep making yourself look worse and worse. You should quit now before it becomes even more obvious to everyone that none of your comments are grounded in reality.

I don’t think you know what a revenue sport is.

A whopping 54 percent voted to endorse Kevin de León, the leader of the California Senate who is running to replace Feinstein

He didn’t do anything is what I’m saying. His shooting at them had no impact. They killed far more people after he shot at them than before.

The cop at Columbine actually did great, he engaged them in a firefight that delayed them killing other students, until he was ordered to pull back.

-teacher gets attacked, student takes gun


god this is dumb

also that statistics show you’re much more likely to shoot yourself than a robber.