Hi, it's me AGAIN?

I was with you until the last bit. That is such a horrible, massive generalization that has no bit of merit to it.

“From what I understand, there are predatory men who stalk women in the BDSM community because it’s remarkably easy for them to abuse women there and get away with it scot free.”

Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.

From what I understand, there are predatory men who stalk women in the BDSM community because it’s remarkably easy for them to abuse women there and get away with it scot free. The women are never believed. I am so sorry this happened to you. It’s so unfair. I believe you and Stoya.

That’s one the reasons I’m glad Stoya spoke out about this particular incident. An individual consenting to a BDSM relationship doesn’t mean her or she has consented all possible sexual interactions.

I'm sorry. That sucks :(

I’m in a bad place, I guess.

I’ve been trying forever to piece together early warning signs of a rapist...but I can’t. You never know...the “nicest” guys I’ve dated engaged in non-consensual sexual acts with me.

That’s so remarkably dark that I have to, in a rare moment, disagree with you.

As someone who was abused by a prominent member of the BDSM community and deleted my social media accounts because I couldn’t handle seeing him praised as a “feminist”, I’m awed by Stoya’s bravery. I hope she gets all the support she deserves.

...he does have a nice ring, though. did you happen to see that ring on his finger?

Nope, she didn’t draw it.

Bless you, Shep and the Commerce Team, for bringing us these deals. Praise from on high, glory be to the capitalist system!

Bless you, Shep and the Commerce Team, for bringing us these deals. Praise from on high, glory be to the capitalist

Hell, I’d like to thank institutional racism. Wouldn’t be here today without it.

And to you. In fact I’ve got a few blankets that I’d love to give Dan Snyder.

Step 1: Preheat Oven to 325 degrees

Well, yeah, that’s the entire Gamergate platform in a nutshell.

The visiting cousin is my future mother in-law, and she still has a scar on her forehead from the blast. Someone has certainly set us up the bomb!