Hi, it's me?

What's next NCAA? You going to require all the member schools to provide money for a new statue?

I feel really positive for all the Penn State alumni who will interpret this move as a validation of what they've claimed all along: That their hero was not the driver of a nefarious coverup, but was simply too much of a stupid pants-shitting old dullard to put the pieces together, realize what was going on, and take

Truly today is a great victory for anyone who's ever assisted in the cover-up for a chronic sexual predator.

Wow, developing humans really, really don't look like that. Maybe if you melted them a bit, and stuck some tadpole eyes on the sides...

"I don't," replied Pasch, who stated that he had a book for Walton that refuted evolution. Later, Pasch made a comment alluding to the concept of irreducible complexity, a concept

Keep dreaming. I'm still waiting for them to finally give Best Stuntwork its own category.

I wouldn't be surprised if within the next decade there's a new acting category, something like Best Alternative Performance, that would/could capture mo-cap and voice over work.

Hell, I posted to Roger Ebert's Facebook page in early 2012: "To all members of the Academy, rent this movie and explain this snub?" and he actually replied "Hear hear!"

Selma had issues with it's campaign strategy. It had a late release date and the studio completely botched the DVD screeners. Mark Harris gives a very thorough breakdown here.

I'm also entirely confused by "Everything is Awesome" getting a Best Song nomination when it was intentionally designed to be a grating earworm mocking everything that is corporate pop-music.

It's truly amazing to think that Swinton's only nomination (and win) was for "Michael Clayton," one of her weaker roles. Frankly, I'm still stunned she was left off for "We Need to Talk About Kevin."

Ayn Rand would be so fun to troll.

If the company can't afford a $10 tip on pizza, they aren't giving out raises or bonuses.

First and most importantly, as a former pizza delivery person fuck those cheap entitled assholes.

Not just hippies. How many times have people been arguing against homosexuality, for example, the basis that it's "unnatural"? Amusingly, the fallacy is older than science, itself. In the Middle Ages they thought that hyenas were "contra natura" because they seemed to be hermaphroditic (they're not), and therefore

A big one for me is the Argument from Incredulity. Because something is counter intuitive, hard to grasp, and dependent on a lot of complex evidence does not make it wrong, but it does make it difficult to explain. That leaves science open to the various Deepak Choprahs that try and appropriate their language to

It wouldn't be as bad if the host calls them out on false claims and other things but it doesn't seem like they usually do. It is up to the other person too and then it just looks like the two bickering.

The only time I've seen it done well is on Frontline. They let the deniers have their say, and then tell you exactly why and how they're wrong. The special they did on the Dover Intelligent Design movement was just glorious, particularly where they reenacted a court room discussion where an ID proponent said that

Debate means conflict, and conflict makes better TV than a lecture.

This is a mistake that's often made when journalists or pundits try to provide a "fair" debate