Hi, it's me?

I used to love About.com, would go their first for many different searches. Don't really know what happened with them, but things got to be too many sponsored links so I moved on, but I did love the curated nature of the place.

I am surprised it was number #1 in 2013. It is so consistently derided that I was led to believe it had largely turned into an internet backwater and that is why there was so much click bait there.

Good for him. Also really glad to see him calling some more attention to the Crawford story, which seems to have gotten a bit lost in the mix with all the other tragedies that occurred over the past several months.

Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.

THAT is not TPB!!!! - Who the fuck died and made you TPB authority? People better than you have researched this and that is a mirror and a bad one at that.

Someone doesn't understand how a mirror works...or how a cached website works.

Umm...nah man.

Yes, this is Gizmodo. A site who researches things, unlike you.

Maybe because the .cr site is just a proxy and it's so filled with malware that Gizmodo staff don't want you dumbbells to use it?

Just relying on the sample of emails here, it's really something to see Leslie Ryan just fucking cower off, after all the pretty promises made to Friedman that were clearly total fucking bullshit.

Absolutely. That guy came up with a genius idea, seemingly out of the blue.

Friedman's idea for a fix is excellent. Someone implement that, please.

I think he just doesn't have that same spark. You can sometimes see a scene or two come to life, or a shot that just sends chills down your spine, but for the most part it feels like he's content to churn out dull, lifeless cinema at best, and offensively bad cinematic crap piles at worst.

The thing about Scott, and apparently he's always been this way, is that he's a director who is interested in world-building, in the details of filmmaking, but not really in being a director of actors. During the filming of Blade Runner, Ford approached Scott to discuss the character of Deckard, and Scott basically

This is the part where I refuse to read any additional spoilers and then go to the movie with my fingers crossed the Engineers show up to cross it over with Prometheus.

Charlton Heston blows up the Death Star at the end.

Aronofsky got critics also because he didn't make a movie about the story of Noah. He used the story of Noah as an intertextual basis on which he built his own story about zealotry, faith, human nature and environmentalism . In the Abrahamic traditions, Noah is chosen by God to be the future of the human race. In

Light spoilers ahead.