Hi, it's me?

Let me get this straight, some kind-hearted Jaguars fan went out of his way to make sure that this couple didn't have to spend a weekend in Jacksonville and somehow he's the bad guy?

I'm still bugged by the fact that they called the sequel 22 Jump Street. They need to get over this obsession with sequential numbers in titles when it has nothing to do with the number of movies. Like how everyone is calling a potential District 9 movies District 10. It just makes no sense unless the movie was about

He obviously bad a lot of emotional intelligence. Genius and geniality don't always come in the same package.

Don't mess with Marie Curie.

It's still true that very, very few rape accusations are false. It's still true that UVA's system for dealing with rape accusations is fucking atrocious.

People commonly to listen / value the opinions of people like them, so these folks probably thought they were showing their fellow white people the contrast between how the justice system treats whites vs. how it treats minorities.

Hollywood is the perfect example of white liberal racism. Despite it's socially liberal views on sex, religion, etc., the entertainment industry still holds onto conservative views about race and gender. While white women still have to face sexism in the industry, they're still held to a higher standard than black

Thank God no Nolan films on this list.

It sure would have been nice to have an actual trial to prove through evidence and witnesses what happened, rather than the prosecutor, wouldn't it?

When one Cosby falls another shall rise to take their place.

Yeah man. These players need to shut the fuck up so I can masturbate to them violently colliding with each other without having to be aware of their "agendas."

It's like where are the "not all men" people when women are being told things like "but why did you trust him," "why didn't you ask what the pill was." not all men folks only pop up when we're being cautious and trying to protect ourselves but then we're told "not all men are like that" and that we should "stop living

As if I needed another reason to love Terry Crews.

So viewed, the record reveals that in July 1997, Roorda attempted to try to "cover" for another police officer by filing a report that contained false statements as to what happened during a suspect's apprehension and arrest.   As a result of this false report, all charges against the defendant involved were dropped,

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

Maybe if the cops stuck with exercising their first amendment rights, and not moving to the other amendments, we wouldn't have a problem.

I feel like playing football in your racist, God-forsaken city is punishment enough, SLPOA

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case