Hi, it's me?

Richard Sherman saying "Geez Louise!"

Is there anything that Microsoft ClipArt can't fix?

The meaning of the homosexuals one is that people that identify as homosexual are rarely pedophiles. The people that touch little boys tend to vociferously claim to be heterosexual. Further, little boys aren't the only ones that are affected by pedophilia, little girls are as well.

I can't wait until you get an antibiotic resistant infection and try to claim evolution isn't real and we can't observe it.

Now playing

My guess? Cultural conditioning. Media — tv, movie, songs, ads — will often show women experimenting with other women as a normal - and even sexy - thing to do. We live in patriarchal society, and girl-on-girl is hot to men, so girl-on-girl is encouraged. This i why you get tropes like the "sweep week lesbian kiss" or

But they still need to know his instagram user name, gmail address, gmail password, phone number, and cell service provider before they can get the verification from text. Some one must have really had it out for this Grant guy.

Dammit I can't wait to show my kids Star Wars

There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close

"I mean this isn't going to hit the NYTimes because high-roller game development companies give perks and freebies to game writers."

And if it was actually about ethics in video game journalism, it would have started a long time before Zoe Quinn made an indie game for a novel concept.

That depends on you and how you craft and mold your message. It depends on how well you control it, how you identify yourself, how you and your cohorts behave. Frankly, "the media" doesn't give two shits about gaming journalism, I'll tell you that right now. I mean this isn't going to hit the NYTimes because

Unhitch your cause, whatever it is, from #GamerGate. Its moved well beyond the point of redemption. Find another name, find another fight, find another way of expressing what you want ("ethics in journalism" or whatever— good luck with that) #GamerGate is done.

All it takes is one unhinged person to kill someone. That her home address was published makes it materially easier for that to happen, which was the intent of publishing it — to terrorize women into keeping silent through threats of violence towards them. "We know where you live," it says. Can you tell the

Yeah, we wouldn't want those types of comments suppressing the "If only these people would stop being selfish, lazy murderers then that would reverse the millenium's worth of systematic economic genocide" posts.

Now if the countries of the EU and the United States would just stop the millenia-long exploitation, genocide, and stripmining of Africa's people and natural resources and allowed them control over their own land and to charge a fair price for goods and labor, AND united as a group, then not only would they rival the

As someone who has lived in Alaska all her life I can assure you of the following:

In the same vein, this seldom fails to amaze me: