Hello I'm Justin

i calls em as i sees em. 

after watching this video i have to ask. why didn’t you just unbolt the painfully obvious and easy to access hinge bolts and take the door off the body? 

this is the way. set that 1/2" impact on hulk mode and go to town! cross threaded is still threaded!

it’s a ford small block. they didn’t take up much room. 

yup, nature’s way of helping out right there. time to get to to work. 

lol the fact everyone thinks this road is being kept closed for lack of funding is cute. california is keeping this road closed to keep people off of it, plain and simple. 

you should really go do your research on this and educate yourself. there are plenty of articles regarding this exact topic online.

the TSA can’t throw you in federal prison for weed especially in a state where it’s legal. they have to turn you over to the local authorities as they have no jurisdiction outside of the airport. from there, it’s the local authorities decision on what to charge you with. in a state where weed is legal, like in CO, no

“There is absolutely no reason to require your pilots to require a MAX simulator to being flying the MAX. Once engines are started, there is no difference between NG and MAX procedurally, and that is that there is no OFF position of the gear handle.”

you really are a glutton for punishment aren’t you? flying spirit and bringing bags of tools with you? how much did they charge you per bag?

i want to be optimistic and think not, but come on... it’s hard to look past that kind of evil. it doesn’t even look like it’s painted in any way to give drivers a “hey, i’m right here” warning.

i almost didn’t even see it at first. i saw that first car suddenly veer to the left in to the wall and had to rewind it a couple of times to figure out what had happened. the shadow of this sinister bridge was camouflaging it just right.  

wow, i cannot believe this bridge has not been getting the coverage it so deserves. that curb jutting out from the side?? pure evil. 

i’m 6'2” and it was very tight. like knees at the steering wheel, pressing the clutch had to be thought out, and my head stuck over the roll bar and windshield. really sucks because they are fun to drive but having my head sit above the safety bits made it not fun to think about while driving. 

i honestly don’t know why merc even releases normal models. they should just AMG everything and lower the price a smidge. who even buys a non AMG merc? 

came to say the same thing. that last speed bump test in an alley between people’s homes. how easily would it have been for some kid to come run out into that alley while he’s blasting down the middle at ~30mph. this guy needs his license taken away. 

This would be an amazing topic. What kind of horse is horsepower based off of? We talking Clydesdale or Arabian? Someone needs to get to the bottom of this. 

musk really needs to work on his sales pitch. everything from the windup to the delivery looks awful. 

and this answer right here explains my frustration in my original post. it’s all about you and your shit. fuck everyone else right?