
Dont know if you mean reaching lvl 50 but its not max there is in a way no end to lvling your character in BDO it goes on after the 50 “max” lvl

Why only talk about movies lets take truck drivers they take many lives a day because things are not up to snuff.... dont hear you complain about them when they kill an other family on the road

Well thanks for sticking a huge spoiler on the frontpage .... there are still people who didn see it >(

Its the XBox version they already said they will give every version the max what it can do on their platform. You can find that in a interview with one of the devs on their website.

Lol you got it all wrong (unstraight perhaps?)..... you dont need to buy the expensive ships you can unlock them all ingame, and a starter ship (you buy a game package which includes a ship with full acces to the whole Persistent Universe, Squadron 42 this is the Single player part and a few ingame goodies for the

there is nothing to pay for that gets you ahead of the rest as far i have seen its just cosmetics and pets mounts ect no weapons no armor altho i do not know about the devilian form armor if that can be bought or not but as far i seen no p2w

Smite ftw a bit too late Dota