
I liked it then and I still like it now.

I was when it was Top Gear. I miss when they used to do real reviews.

Cool. Go away then

1st Gear: It’s called trickle down economics. It won’t happen immediately. It’s not gush down. It can take years, Years! In fact, I’m still waiting for Reagan’s tax cuts to trickle down to me. But it’s coming. It has to be coming. Republicans have been telling me for years that cutting taxes on the rich and

“GM saved over $500 million from the tax cuts”

The trend towards using eminent domain to facilitate private initiatives is quite troubling. I can understand airports, but factories or hotels?

They need a better evacuation plan. 

I don’t think this should be spun as a bad thing. They’re trying to prepare for a market correction/recession. The past few years have been too good for there not to be one.

This is the single most terrifying thing that a post-WWII society has come up with.  

I test drove one.  I loved it.  I don’t have $59k to put into a car that I can (will?) buy in 3 years for $24k.  

Me. But I did scroll back to read Graverobber Rob Emslie’s wonderful prose.

I live in NJ.  If someone from NJ is asking for money, it’s a scam.  That is all.

Love it or hate it, FCA is laughing all the way to the bank. Jeep is going to sell billions of these.

I’m sorry I couldn’t resist...I’ll sit in the corner.

You people aren’t making my job any easier.

furiously scrolling this article looking for the same thing...

“Watch this video of the car...” What video? I need video.

Imagine getting pulled over and having the officer approach the driver’s side, but you can’t roll down the windows.

Dear Boomers:

These people triage. They wouldn’t be pushing a car out of a garage if they could be saving someone’s life instead.