
Anything that becomes a ‘prestige career’ is doomed. If your job is cool enough to brag about, you’re probably going to get paid shit and have no job security while the field gets flooded with the children of wealthy people that don’t need to worry about money or health insurance. The only safe people are going to be

Seems like a bit of a reach. Obviously the Germans have their own history with dictatorship but I don’t see why the racist abuse of a player of foreign ancestry should be explained away as coming from an inherently decent (ie. anti-authoritarian) place.

That kind of vitriol and outrage over a photo-op? Hey Germans, let’s remember: there are brutal autocrats, and then there are brutal autocrats, if you catch my drift. Anyway, knowing that racism and hypocrisy are alive and well in Germany, it’s all the more satisfying that their sorry asses failed to make it beyond

No public figure takes an apolitical photo with a dictator. But also: no one should suffer racist slurs! The former certainly does not justify the latter.

So Patrick, I think you’re dead on in that the most important first move is taking action to do something about it.

I feel like the first step in faking your own death would be “Don’t date celebrity who will amplify interest in circumstances around your death.” I mean, really, that’s fake your own death 101.

I agree. My husband and I have gotten really into British shows on Netflix, because the people just look so normal. Not even unattractive or schlubby- just normal. And varied - people with all different looks,just like in real life. Sometimes when you go from watching an American show to a British one it’s jarring to

Really? I want to see beautiful people. I can see average people on the elevator at work.

I just want to see average people, period. That seems far more common in foreign television shows. I’d love it if they just casted according to personality and talent with no regard to anything else. I don’t want a “schlubby quota.”