No, they’re just kids, weirdo
No, they’re just kids, weirdo
I did ok... then they showed his mom with all the cards he made as a child and I lost it.
Whoa. I totally did not know Alyson Hannigan was in that movie! Well, I mean, I knew but totally forgot.
This is pretty disturbing, actually. It’s a well-worn tactic of authoritarian regimes to put out propaganda that clearly shows one thing, while actively lying and redefining it as another. That so many people believe the propaganda over the actual tape is incredibly disturbing.
“She's on maternity leave."
Could it be? A positive story about Taylor Swift on Jezebel without the mandatory underlying “but”?
My brain initially read the headline’s “Train Molesters” as, well... train molesters, and I initially ran with it, because, well... Japan.
Totally...everyone’s experience is different. I had two very textbook labors & deliveries, so obviously I can’t speak to a situation where the baby is breech, or transverse, or anything like that. I imagine my approach would have been different had that been the case. I sure was begging for an epidural with my first…
I hate Sublime. I loathe Lana Del Rey. I like this iteration of “Doin’ Time”. I have no idea what’s happening.
How does one.....turn someone gay? It seems like you haven't thought this all the way thru. Have a seat.
“He preyed on straight men and tried to turn them gay for his own benefit” What does that mean, he tried to pick up straight guys? I’m not clear why that is so bad - I mean is it more bad than preying on gay guys? Also, did he drug them or hit on them, did he invite them to his hotel room, answer the door in his robe…
No. Stop that foolishness immediately. Do not pass “Go” and do not collect $200.
This is the problem with social media. While it can be a great tool to spread positive messages and GOTV in a political campaign; it also amplies the petty (and of course, hate speech, but that is a whole other topic in and of itself). Little things get blown up until they are made into giant fuck ups when really, we…
We have never had another president like Trump before though, and his numbers are in the garbage. Not saying that we should be complacent, but I don’t think history is a good indicator of success in his case. his wife is raising their three kids, “sometimes with my help.”
Liberals are doing what they always do, by destroying each other, pointing out each others weaknesses, and letting Trump waltz in to a second term.
This...kind of all makes me like him even more.
We are about to eat our candidates again. If you had a company, you’d never hire Trump to run it. If someone in your personal life bragged or lied like Trump, you’d never hang out with them. The person I knew in college that bragged and lied like that was known as “Annoying Man” by me and my friends. Yet somehow this…
Actually all these anecdotes make me like him, and up until now I was more or less indifferent. Maybe I’m also an asshole?
I’m so glad she told that cop she was scared of him. I feel like there’s some kind of unspoken stereotype of black folk not feeling emotions like “fear” or “sadness” or “ennui” or “existential terror”. We only get “animalistic anger” or “child-like jolliness”. And we all know what the cops zero in on and expect to…