hello haaaaaaaay

I work at a school and think through shooting scenarios pretty regularly, whether it’s a paranoia when I see someone in a long coat or with an especially packed backpack, or the countless nightmares I’ve had... it’s on my mind A LOT. So I don’t blame you at all. I think it’s an understandable thought process.

Can I hijack this to start an only somewhat related thread?

Same! No longer practicing (obvi) but grew up like... HARD Catholic. Neva eva eva EVA heard of this.


this made me lol

...but fuh real. Yeah, without Leslie, Ann is a pretty blah character. She’s the straight man. But I love the two of them together and for this reason, I love Ann Perkins and YOU CAN SHUT THE HELL UP.

I watched that whole stinkin thing thinking it would actually show her like screaming in childbirth. #Disappointed.


Writing a memoir, ey? Hmmm. What an interesting choice... women making waves, seen as the difference-makers in upcoming elections... nice speech at the women’s march... stepping down from current position... what a HARD CHOICE... writing a memoir... interesting... interesting... I wonder what her plans are...

lol Joy Behar

Colin Jost is fine but I really, truly do not like Michael Che. I know I’m going to sound like *such* a Jezebel reader, but I just feel like he hates women. He tells lots of jokes (and it’s always him, not Jost, which makes me think that he is choosing to tell them) that start with “I support the Me Too movement but”

I casually mentioned the catcalls on my walk to work (I say casually because it was a minor detail in the actual story I was telling) and my midwest dad was absolutely horrified and was like “you have to report them to HR” haha bless him. I reminded him this isn’t at my office. This is on a public street. He and my

I was SO confused by that. What was even happening with them? I ended up just zoning out while that whole drama was going on, I couldn’t figure it out and was ready to move on.

I felt like Erin really was supposed to be eliminated and it was a spur of the moment decision to keep her! The whole thing seemed sloppy enough that it couldn’t have been planned.

ETA: I mean like, I think Tyra was being REALLY nice by going and personally talking to her. That seemed so genuine and kind. But then I

From your lips to God’s ear...

Oooooooooh I wanted to believe her because her falsies are fun and Bieber is the worst. But that Skrillex video is hella convincing.