ugh Rey. I could feel his hot breath. I’ve known too many Reys. Ick.
k but did we all hear when Chad expressed disappointment with the casting? He said something like “I expected to be competing against the best men from every state” like WHAT? He’s an effing weirdo but not in a good way.
Literally just left my midwife’s office and my question of the day was “WAH ZIKA” and she was totally chill about it and told me not to worry. Then I have to read this shit.
I am in south Texas and stressed the eff out over this. It’s going to be hot as ballz this summer so I think I’ll just bathe in DEET everyday to…
I dunno what to think about Louis. I love him so much so I don’t want it to be true, but yeah... I don’t know. That said, I love Jon Stewart even more. And I hate to say that I think his reaction was disingenuous. Not only did the shock/surprise seem feigned, but I thought his attitude toward the student was kind of…
Honey and I both have fantastic jobs, I’m due in October, and I am stressing the fuck out over draining my sick and vacation time, then taking 4 to 5 additional weeks unpaid. Daycare is crazy expensive plus I read all these horror stories about childcare that make it sound super scary. We have no family here. I’m not…
Whyyyy did I read that? Absolutely heartbreaking.
I take ads like this for granted, but growing up as a biracial kid, shit like this mattered. And I imagine it still does for a lot of kids. #ThinkOfTheChildren #YouStupidFucks
Thanks for this. I’m due in October and am scared of going back to work after because all I ever here is how miserable I will be. So it’s refreshing to see someone say that it won’t be awful, and I won’t be crying, and I won’t feel an intense urge to quit the job that I love.
The saxaphone was everything.