Orgies aren't all their cracked up to be. In fact they are actually quite disgusting.
Orgies aren't all their cracked up to be. In fact they are actually quite disgusting.
@Always Sunny In Flipadelphia: So glad you included a picture. That could have gone so wrong.
Isn't there a tag for recommending somebody to get starred?
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Is there nothing that a Tiger won't ride?
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Look at me. Look back at yourself. Look at me again. You still think you're a man?
What if it's dirty rice?
@goldentreesang: Not to me, but if they can make a computer that does that ("sucking away all your attention") whilst I'm sitting on the couch watching TV. I WANT IT!!
Make women!
I actually prefer the women who have had less sex partners. Guess I'll stick with the Virgin Mobile users.
I have had sex with both iPhone users and Android users.
@Squalor:Like you didn't already know that.
The iPhone is so easy to use.
I can hear the "pew pew pew".
@Kevin Purdy On a completely unrelated note. Lifehacker needs to add to its starred commenters.
@wiz: "Now I'm back to multiple cups per day but definitely not dependent and certain that I can stop whenever I want!"
I just can't start the day without a big glass of water. So refreshing.