@Ava Glasgow: Thanks. I should have known that.
@Ava Glasgow: Thanks. I should have known that.
@Ava Glasgow: >
@Jason: I'm thinking it's reserved for starred commenters only.
@Jason: Cool, I did not know this. Doesn't have quite the effect I was hoping for though.
@dnyanesh: That will be maintained and updated on a regular basis.
I still have some invites left if anybody is interested. $5.
First Michael Jackson, then Gary Coleman and now Google Wave. How much sadness can one world take?
@philselmer:Au contraire, mon frere
Like Lifehacker without the articles. Seriously. Watch.
@Squalor: Au contraire, mon friar.
I'll wait for the 3D version.
@Squalor: Au contraire, monk hair.
@pixelsnader: According to my calculations you should have submitted your entry yesterday.
And they mocked me when I started wearing lead underwear.
@PsychoSuperman: I just took away the heart click I gave you long ago and gave you a new heart click.
@gizgizgiz: Interesting article, looks like Conrad tried to give it to charity but Barron fought it and got some of it back. Now Barron is giving it to charity.