kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
I truly do not understand accusing Legends - a TV show where the main character is queer and has spent the last season in a relationship - of queerbaiting.
Go fuck yourself, you dumb bitch.
The alcohol is what’s going to get you in the end. People will say it was the hate that killed you, but that’s just talk. It will be the alcohol.
You’re a deeply damaged individual, and I hope that you die a death as miserable as the life you’re currently suffering.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
damn, you are fucking messed up
I’m white and male, you drunk fuck-up.
Kill yourself.
I hope your wife dies suddenly while she’s still young. She deserves it.
kill yourself
The fact that he’s gay and has managed to get as far as he has is just something you’re comfortable ignoring, I imagine.
I don’t give a shit what you were tolerant of, bitch. Plenty of people tolerate you in life.
Kill yourself.