Obligatory Simpsons Reference

So, wait, they were on the way home from the Ren Fair when a truck of terrigen mist struck them?

"Cleaning Up The Town." In a minimalist The xx style. Get on it, Mr. Xx.

Interesting that the tendency to capitalize reflects both the anthropomorphic and sentient nature of Wookiees versus the beast-of-burden, and therefore unworthy of big letter, tauntaun and bantha.

His real mistake was saying he was bigger than Jesus in the South.

I've logged over a thousand hours since the original vanilla Civ 5 was released (I've played every Civ game except for III), and the one thing I can say about turn-based strategy like Civ is that it makes good on the promise computer games have to revolutionize the idea of a game (as opposed to say, First Person