George Zimmerman wasn’t eligible because he went pro in 2015
George Zimmerman wasn’t eligible because he went pro in 2015
All I can think of is SheeshTheseNames’ remark: He is always like, “How do you do, fellow negroes?” Lmao
Okay “black conservative” lets actually get into it.
1. Black people aren’t “6% of the population” and your raw statistics conveniently leave out the factors that lead to black convictions and white acquittals. Secondly, putting aside this red herring, you are comparing private citizen action against private citizen…
The MAGA grey-trolls have been extra salty and extra stupid this weekened. Oh, well; fuck ‘em. Fuck ‘em straight to hell, I say. May they continue to lose in love and life and death.
Putinism in America is dangerous. It’s been disastrous for marginalized people in Russia, and is beginning to destroy what’s left of America. To reject the New Russian ideology is not xenophobic, it’s actually pretty goddamned patriotic. The authoritarian regime that controls Russia (and the the territories they’ve…
Spasibo, tovarishchu.
Hi Boris. Shouldn’t you and Natasha be looking for Moose and Squirrel?
Guys, stop responding to Black Conservative. If he posts and he’s out of the greys, walk away. If he responds to you, flag, dismiss and contact the Help Desk or the author of the posts. Don’t respond, don’t take fucking screenshots of the comment and respond, stop giving the trolls the attention.
And yet, when Lebron James does exactly what conservatives claim they want black people to do-work on fixing problems in their communities-he gets attacked by 45. There’s no winning with people like you.
You’re unbelievably corny. You have zero facts. No one here likes you and if you are black and aren’t Jesse Lee Peterson, I’ll eat my fucking hat.
Simply untrue. Again. FBI statistics have white people committing most murders, with victims of all ethnic groups. Troll harder. Fake news.
Context is just a libtard conspiracy! This is reverse racism!
The connection between your freshly-extruded faux-statistics and the original topic, your claim that emotionally strong White Men built this city, built this city on rock-n-roll, is not clear to me. Please elucidate!
Ikea>Trump. As someone who has had a lot of Ikea furniture in my life, I will admit that there is a wide range in quality in what they make, ranging from “cheap but serviceable and surprisingly long-lasting” to “crap that doesn’t serve its function/last more than a single year.” Their beds are the worst. Ugh. There is…
He’s a so called ‘black’ TomatoFace wanna be. I wouldn’t even bother trying to report him to the help desk, but instead try to get one of the staff to shadowban him.
Ok Uncle Ruckus, but where’s Huey, Riley, and Granddad?
Hi Black Conservative I know that you’ve been trolling this site and others looking to validate your insecurities as a black man, I mean alleged black man, but this ain’t the day & I’m not the one. There is so much wrong in this statement to explain it to you and simple minded Sambo’s like you would be a waste of…
Andrew Sullivan is like if an artificial intelligence was high on poppers at all times. He’s the 21st Century version of Peggy Noonan writing after 4 glasses of wine.