you mean walk around for 5 minutes and then twitch on the floor from being tased by angry cops
you mean walk around for 5 minutes and then twitch on the floor from being tased by angry cops
Actually, my grandparents lived trough nazi occupation and they are remarkably kind-worded about their interactions with the german soldiers. I'm guessing that's more an exeption than a rule, but i always found it odd.
i hope they taser'd her good
there's this technique called "rubber hose cryptoanalysis" [] I believe that would be quite effective
be amazed because
sweet, they're preparing their 2020 lawsuits
i also have knowledge of the existance of many languages. my knowledge ends there though
so you have no problem with North Korea having technology comparable to the US?
damn, you beat me to it
for people who don't know who the silver surfer is, let greg miller explain it to you
also, the above picture of tia dalma... well, i quite like that as well
oh, neverending story. such a great film.
maybe i'm weird, but i find the sc2 version of kerrigan quite hot
if one of them was an sr71, now that'd be something to talk about.
all those lights,
a banging stereo for me tunes