i have a wallet made out of solid gold, it helps remind me i'm filthy rich.
i have a wallet made out of solid gold, it helps remind me i'm filthy rich.
@nimzotech: Rise, Lord Vader
@touwe: camera in a hat you say ?
i'm sorry but that doesn't look implanted.
@pyriccrash: i'll fight for you !
@JonThomasDesigns: i would microwave my hard-drive if i were you
@Stem_Sell: kill it with fire
@RainyDayInterns: what is this phone you speak of ? my telegraph still works perfectly
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: WHERE IS IT ?????
@hawkeye18 hath verily: captain slow is playing with rocks again ?
This watch is too easy to read, I want one designed by Tokyo Flash
@Phuncz: yep, i seem to be typing on an azerty keyboard here
@Arken: luckily we have apple-eating androids to protect us
All will be assimilated
@ohnoitsaspider: If they're so friendly, why are they still sending spies?
awesome, you should be a movie reviewer
@uu_ugene: i already got something huge in my pants.
@diw321: Shut it Farva !
@The K Gee19: The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Glóin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade.