I couldn’t put it down....
I couldn’t put it down....
Sadly, washed vegetables have a decent listeria risk too. My OB said not to worry about it because its uncontrollable.
I have a glass of wine every other day now that I’m in the second trimester and it works for me, baby, OB and midwife.
When she and Amber Heard were onstage together...wowowow
Yeah, we’ve moved her out twice, therapy, the works....hard to accept. I appreciate your response though. Luckily I’ve moved away and have a great partner but its hard to bear a lot of the time. I don’t know if you ever stop wanting a better life for your mom.
Yeah my mom’s in this situation and she stayed so...could be worse!
Why is this judge allowed to be a person?
Oh man, is it? I absolutely get a glass of wine at the cozy bar next door while I wait for my highlights to develop. They just wink at me. It’s in Chelsea?