
This would be so much better if it was the real crowd reaction.

Did anybody else initially ignore the rest of the story and freak out that there was a man with no face at the trial?

The last thing we need is a bunch of armed off-duty cops getting hammered near that many running black men.

Is Daesh really a threat to an NFL game? A suicide bomber may be prepared to kill himself. But prepared to watch the Jags play the Bucs beforehand? C’mon!

Cop here. So let me get this straight...the five shot snub nose revolver I will conceal in my pocket (that isn’t terribly accurate outside of 7 yards) is the one piece of equipment that will stop the terrorists (packing bombs and automatic weapons?

This oughta make the next time Mike Tomlin reaches for his challenge flag much more interesting, at least.

“a 72 percent white student body, 20 percent Asian, 9 percent black and 9 percent Latino”

Can’t recognize his family? I figured with his money they’d at least put him in a recovery suite with an HD TV.

Agreed. There was a shit-ton of mean-girl-ness in this article, especially in that paragraph you pointed out.

Thank you for this. It is so frustrating that women who are also mothers seem to be the last demographic everyone feels great about mocking endlessly, and I notice this especially from younger women who haven’t had children yet. I never see this level of derision aimed at dads, so why are mothers so horrible and

So, I’m stuck in the grays and no one will ever see this, but: I have some real problems with this article. The tone is oddly sensationalizing and it focuses on a lot of random and unimportant deatils in a way that seems pearl-clutching and even, at times, strangely un-feminist for Jezebel.

I mean, come on...

I once saw Drake, Justin Bieber and Rob Ford sitting within 50 ft. of each other at a Raptors game.

He looks old enough to release a statement supporting Otto Von Bismarck.

The cookie story is the polar opposite of a juicy gossip story. Like, you couldn’t find a more lame-ass story about a celebrity if you tried.

My favorite photo from the book:

An update for you, as a Pens writer myself- thus far the little guy, Trey, has gotten 2 pucks, a jersey, a stick, and last I saw was with the teams’ PR staff, apparently to head into the locker-room with them to meet the players from what I gathered. While the old guy was booed out of the arena right afterward and

Yes, the shot hit the bottom of the net you fuckers.

Not everyone races to Gawker to let everyone know their first thought on a subject, don’t project yourself onto others. For all you know, he was mourning the victims through Twitter when he saw the people starting up on their BAN DA CARS spiel, which inspired him to post this comment. Once again, you have no proof