Yes, that 4000 year old fad. I guess we’re all appropriating wheat, too.
Yes, that 4000 year old fad. I guess we’re all appropriating wheat, too.
You know I want to be on your side and I agree that influencers are a pest but it irks me when things that are not true are stated as facts. Clarified butter is not an Indian invention neither is saffron, that stuff grows all over Asia Minor and is used in traditional cuisines from the Middle-East to Spain.It is not a…
I’m sure they pay the same respect every time they eat chocolate.
Are you willfully ignoring the headline? Also, yes I know what I’m talking about since guess where I am.
While technically true if were are talking NOT China, this does not take into account how China works and that the government has way more power over who gets to buy what.
That’s a seriously pretentious way to say ‘I ate my leftovers’.
That’s bs. Hospitals do not buy face masks on Taobao/Amazon or at the local supermarket.
How did the lolman die? In a well, actually.
okay boomer
Supporting their world view and making sure you conform to what they think is right.
please, at those places no one’s menu has prices. you have to ask, you can’t afford to dine there.
My KFC sandwich also has 0% beef, that doesn’t mean it’s vegan. Words mean things and if you assume something you want to be true but isn’t stated, that’s on you.
They didn’t say vegan. Your assumption is not their problem.
I don’t remember their ads saying vegan.
how did my comment end up in this column?
... and everyone on her plane, the airport, the hotel....
trace her vector and charge her for case you can link to her. fucking selfish asshole.