the wild stuff is the exploitative honey. beekeepers have an interest in keeping the bees alive and healthy. the people who harvest honey in the wild have no such interest and often just kill the bees.
the wild stuff is the exploitative honey. beekeepers have an interest in keeping the bees alive and healthy. the people who harvest honey in the wild have no such interest and often just kill the bees.
domesticated bees are just that, they don’t survive well without people. we earned every bit of honey they gave us for taking care of their finicky fussy asses. ask anyone who’s ever kept bees.
lol production company how did you not see this coming? Like seriously.
There’s some profoundly sad about this kind of ‘revelation’ past the age of 17.
Exactly. If she just wanted a child she could easy buy/adopt one. It’s not as if there aren’t plenty of war orphans around. No, she wants a child to carry on her bloodline and her power, an adopted child won’t do.
Where are you getting those prices from? Even you can’t even get a dodgy outside a middle school street vendor bubble tea for 5-7cny.
that you can’t tell the difference between cake and bread is a you problem.
Because apparently everyone’s drunk the koolaid of if the french do it it’s better?
Comparing lacroix with still water is a false comparison. unflavored sparkling water and still water; lacroix is nothing more than diet soda.
Keep proving my point, troll.
$50 that his daughter was the one who changed his label.
Yes, we know you’re a rightwing troll, bb. No need to further prove it.
That’s not liberalism, that’s stealth ultra conservatism under a thin veneer of fake woke.
The damage is not done to celebrities or other famous/powerful people. This phenomenon is mostly ingroup bullying. if you want to see what cancelling looks like, take a look at the horrific stalking and bullying that teenies/permateenies do to each on social media.
Have they or is it a badge of internal honor that ‘those’ people can’t handle it so we refuse to listen to the customer and serve baby food no matter what is asked for?
My that shoe fit you, didn’t it?
Side eyeing this. I’ve read this exact story at least three times on the internet. I’m sure it happened somewhere but was it you?
And while we’re shaming people let’s add sous vide to that list. Because nothing says 2019 like let’s waste hours of energy and copious amounts of plastic.
okay boomer.
I want my steak well done.