
Not weirder than bacon on a hamburger. 

Unless you are part of an at risk group this is a severe overreaction that’s actually detrimental to your health. Sterility is not a goal or a gold standard. 

This sounds more like a bad, messy break-up revenge then an objective retelling. They also sound like they deserve each other. 

You know who should be investigated? Any adult sexualizing and/or sharing pictures of an underaged girl’s butt.

TBF you will need that full bottle (to yourself) if you have to have dinner with that douche.

I will never not laugh at anyone claiming cinnamon and ginger being too spicy. good grief. 

I think you really need to look up the word irony, since you are either incredibly dumb or paid by some vaping company. 

Evidence points to the contrary. Where did I say smoking was fine?  I never once said smoking was better, i said both are bad for you. you’re the idiot who kept arguing that vaping is fine.

Britain’s averse to edible food. 

All you have to do it google it. 

By forcing human morality onto an animal you’ve proven beyond doubt that you should not ever be allowed to take care of said animal. Get a fucking pet rock. 

Learn to read. 

I was with you until you started dissing Marcus. HDU. 

Lol willfully stupid. We have no long term studies, but keep on linking short term ones, it makes you look super smart.

Lol shall we quote this when you all start dying from vaping in 10+ years? There are no long term studies on vaping, you moron. 

Assholes like that make me wish there was a hell because he deserves to fucking burn. ‘I’m sorry’ does not even come close to covering

Of course, if marketing says so it must be true. oh jfc lol. 

That’s one smorgasbord of idiocy, I don’t even know where to start to unpack so much dumb. 

You’re not the one who’s pregnant if she fucks up, dipshit, but she’s the one who’s pregnant if you fuck up. Your risk is minimal, she loses both times. 

I have a hard time believing this was not written by a man. Lol never once felt not secure huh. And no I don’t work for ueber, i didn’t even mean uber but ride-sharing in general. You do sound like you do work for a taxi company, though.