hey dude. how’s life the in sock puppet farm treating you?
hey dude. how’s life the in sock puppet farm treating you?
also as another commenter noted, too many brown people. they probably don’t mind if there’s fewer brown babies.
You’re a treasure! And I’ll remind you from time to time :D
I mean she’s also pretty transphobic too. Whatever feminist cred she had before, she’s spent the past decade or so flushing it methodically down the toilet.
i’m going to need everyone to stop reminding me that Roseanne supported Trump, because i’ve been binge watching Roseanne on Prime for the last couple of weeks and that show was both brilliant and feminist AF (i know, i know - i won’t hit that last season for a little while yet)
The number one cause of death among American women is abuse at the hand of their male partners. The number one time this is likely to occur is during pregnancy. I’m almost surprised OB/GYN’s aren’t required by law to hand out those booklets.
He’s doing a serious disservice to other men. Generally, playing around with a woman’s birth control will introduce you to a world of hurt.
That’s because it is sexual assault.
I’m so confused how this is any kind of charming.
For all of you saying “wahhh, my job is hard and I work long hours too, suck it up”:
I used to work back-stage at a concert venue in Maryland, and let it be said that Liam Gallagher was the kindest musician that I met during my three-year tenure. Weezer? Wasn’t allowed to make eye contact with them. Green Day? Bunch of juvenile assholes. Liam Gallagher? Offered me some of their pizza and was an…
I’m really digging the addition of the quotes!
I’m DYING over here at “Neil” Gallagher...it’s Noel! ;) I’m not making fun of you btw...I know it was a typo, but it make me laugh hysterically.
Page Six is like your Trump loving nibby nosed nothing-to-do great auntie. All powder and perfume but with a gossipy dark heart of rot.
No, Robin, I don’t have to welcome the brown spots. I can look at them and imagine fantastical scenarios in which I could afford to have whatever rich lady treatment it is that minimizes them (lasers?).
I don’t think it’s you. I’ve been doing photos and gifs for ages, but somethings F-d up with the “system” for the past couple of weeks. URLs load up, but they don’t appear in a post. Sometimes if you do it over a few times. Otherwise......no bueno:(
I do find some humor in the fact that she got a lot of shit for how nude she was and now she’s wearing a nudie suit. I don’t know if there was any intention in that.
I can’t say “Nudie suit” without giggling. I am apparently ten years old.
I’m so damn curious. I would love to see your JS. Is it like a camo look? Is it trendy or are you fabulously original? I’ll have to google it.